IPE Training Course 2014 at Gunma University
Goals and Objectives of the Program
Objectives: To provide technical information and a model for the establishment or development of IPE program
- To capture the current state and future agenda of IPE and CP
- To learn the basic principles how to establish or develop an IPE program
- To discuss the possible availability of the model to the participants’ university curricula
- To explore the possibilities of research collaboration
Possible Participants:
Educators or health practitioners who are interested in the introduction of IPE curricula to their educational/health care institutions, especially in the Western Pacific Region.
Program Schedule
Late August, every year Full version: one week
Short version: four days
Proposed dates for 2014: Aug 26 – 29 (short version) or Sep 1 (full version)
Refer to the “Time Table” for further details of the program.
Time Table (click here)
Traveling Award – Now available until 2016 –
* Recruitment guides
・ Maximum four to five persons.
・ Maximum two persons per one institute.
・ Airfare and accommodation fee are to be paid by this scholarship
* Deadline for application: End of April
* More detailed information of this scholarship can be downloaded here.
Guide for Traveling Award (click here)
Of course, we welcome any person without traveling award.
Please submit “Application form” as attachment files via e-mail with the title (mail subject) of “Application form for IPE training course 2014″. Confirmation e-mail will be sent. The application deadline is 30 April 2014.
Template files can be downloaded here.
Application form (click here)
E-mail address: ytokita@gunma-u.ac.jp
(Yoshiharu Tokita, Gunma University, Staff of IPE Training Course)
The acceptance of Traveling Award will be announced by the end of May, 2014.
Visa Application
To visit Japan, you must carry a valid passport. A visa is required for citizens of countries which do not have visa-exempt agreements with Japan. Please contact the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate for visa application.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan:
If you have any question, please contact us at:
e-mail ytokita@gunma-u.ac.jp
IPE at Gunma University is featured on a WHO Video
IPE at Gunma University is featured on a WHO Video “Interprofessional education”, at WHO website “Transforming and scaling up health professionals’ education and training”.
WHO Education Guideline
WHO published “Transforming and scaling up health professionals’ education and training”.
Designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre
The World Health Organization has designated Gunma University as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education.
IPE Training Course at Gunma University (The 2nd Announcement)
The Time Table of Training Course is updated.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask to us.
e-mail ytokita@gunma-u.ac.jp
Published paper
‘Makino T, Shinozaki H, Hayashi K, Lee B, Matsui H, Kururi N, Kazama H, Ogawara H, Tozato F, Iwasaki K, Asakawa Y, Abe Y, Uchida Y, Kanaizumi S, Sakou K, Watanabe H. Attitudes toward interprofessional healthcare teams: A comparison between undergraduate students and alumni.’ was published in J Interprof Care, 27(3): 261-268, 2013.
“IPE Training Course at Gunma University” will be held.
Goals and Objectives of the Program
Objectives: To provide technical information and a model for the establishment or development of IPE program
- To capture the current state and future agenda of IPE and CP
- To learn the basic principles how to establish or develop an IPE program
- To discuss the possible availability of the model to the participants’ university curricula
- To explore the possibilities of research collaboration
Possible Participants:
Educators or health practitioners who are interested in the introduction of IPE curricula to their educational/health care institutions, especially in the Western Pacific Region.
Program Schedule
Late August, every year Full version: one week
Short version: four days
Proposed dates for 2013: Aug 20 – Aug 23 (short ver.) or Aug 26 (full ver.)
Refer to the “Time Table” for further details of the program.
Time Table(Click to download)
Traveling Award – Now available until 2016 –
* Recruitment guides
・ Maximum four to five persons. First come, first served.
・ Maximum two persons per one institute.
・ Airfare and accommodation fee are to be paid by this scholarship
* Deadline for application: End of March each year
* More detailed information of this scholarship can be downloaded here.
Guide for Traveling Award (Click to download)
Of course, we welcome any person without traveling award.
Please submit “Application form” as attachment files via e-mail with the title (mail subject) of “Application form for IPE training course”. Confirmation e-mail will be sent. The application deadline is 31 March 2013.
Template files can be downloaded here,
Application form [Microsoft Word (2007/2010)] (Click to download)
E-mail address: ytokita@gunma-u.ac.jp
(Yoshiharu Tokita, Gunma University, Staff of IPE Training Course)
The acceptance of Traveling Award will be announced until end of April, 2013.
Visa Application
To visit Japan, you must carry a valid passport. A visa is required for citizens of countries which do not have visa-exempt agreements with Japan. Please contact the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate for visa application.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan:
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
e-mail ytokita@gunma-u.ac.jp
Article in Naturejobs
The article on IPE in Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences/School of Health Sciences was appeared in Nature, 6 December 2012, Vol.492, No.7427, Naturejobs, GUNMA, JAPAN “A leader in industry and innovation” ( http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/articles/10.1038/nj0398 ).
Inviting students to join SIPEC.
Inviting students to join SIPEC.
Click here for further information